Thursday, September 25, 2008
I cannot even begin to express how relieved we all are. The doctor said the next few hours are still critical as we have to wait to make sure that she wakes up ans starts breathing on her own, that she is not bleeding, and doesn't have a stroke. We should hopefully know all that in a few hours or so.
I will relate more later but I just wanted to express relief for the time being. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Slideshow Goodness
Mom's going into surgery on Wednesday and she was admitted into the hospital today. It's going to be a long day of sitting in the waiting room waiting anxiously. I am, of course, bringing my trusty laptop with me for some much needed editing time with the rest of Nicole's pictures from the wedding.
I also spend Saturday evening with two of my best friends who are expecting their first baby in October. We enjoyed about a 3 hour photoshoot and I am SUPER DUPER excited to work on those also. First things first though. :P
So, in case you couldn't tell, much yummy photo goodness coming your way soon. I will leave you with one SOOC (straight out of camera) shot of the maternity session. For those of you that do not know this, SOOC shots may not look the best. After I work a little magic on it however, we are in bizniss. :)
Okay, maybe I'll go ahead and post two...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Beatles Tribute
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Absolutely Gorgeous

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Renewed Purpose

At this point I want to share with you some of the images from our before school beach trip. It's funny as Spencer is getting more into photography with me I am starting to forget to post which pictures are his. Please know that my little son's life is documenting by both of his loving parents. Spencer actually snapped away quite a bit at the beach on our day two at the beach as I was not feeling too well.

Then Sara helped him out and buried his body completely for him. It was too cute watching him. He had the hardest time keeping still.

As yucky as it is to get sand everywhere and to be sore for days afterward with sun burn and/or sandburn...I still love the beach for a vacation. There is something so stinking relaxing and just downright fun about it. :)
Hope you enjoyed the images.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Few Favorites

As cute as this little guy is, you haven't even seen the cuteness his dimples unleash.

No more Atlanta traffic, no more...yeah yeah yeah
And all that means no more pictured below.
One more not so great photo for your perusing pleasure but with a much happier story. This is David Jay (aka DJ by all of his friends, which I hope to be someday...geez I sound like a stalker) and I after the conclusion of the Free to Succeed tour in Atlanta on Monday night. I think this seminar may have been a turning point in my life as a photographer.
Let me explain for those of you who don't know who DJ is. He is an incredibly successful wedding photographer who never had any formal training in the field. Learned as he went...kind of like me. He has been touring with a very informative seminar Free to Succeed. Since it is now over, you won't be able to attend yourself but if you go here you can get the DVD which I highly reccomend if you are thinking about starting a photography business.
So investing the money to go to this seminar was totally worth it. I am glad I followed [b]ecker's advice and went. I am now armed with the information and confidence that I need to really start pushing my photography...finally. Considering I started shooting weddings when I was 18 (1998) and then just slipped out of it in the past 3 years or so (having a kid and getting married kind of does that to you) it's about flippin' time.
So I have a friend of mine working on a logo for me so that I can start branding myself and I have some friends lined up as guinea pigs so that I can refresh my portfolio and I am going to start arming my friends with information needed to start selling me. ;) I also started a facebook so I can start networking my photography a bit more. And I am getting in contact with some old photography friends so that I can start networking through them.
YAY! {{deep breath}} Here's hoping that this time next year I will be able to quit my day job and pioneer.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Too Tired
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Plethora of Images & Updates on My Labor Day Week

Sunday was the FUN day for our little family. We headed to the Georgia Aquarium where Spencer commandeered my camera which means there are actually some pictures of Liam and I together having fun. A rare happening…actually having it photographed that is.

And then off to…
…the “exploding water” as Liam called it. Liam had much fun in here. While Spencer and my father in law went to get the car, my dear mother in law tried to get a picture of me in the water too. Liam wanted to know why I wouldn’t take my shirt off and get wet with him.
Waiting for the car. He looks like such a big boy here. After dinner at Harry and Sons we ended the night with a mandatory late night trip to Krispy Kreme where Liam got a sprinkle donut. I don’t think the day could have gotten any better for him. On the ride home, he was asleep on GrandNettie’s arm holding on to my arm within 5 minutes.
Then the crappy week began. On Wednesday, my mom went in for heart catheterization on Wednesday to try and get to the root of why she is always so tired and short of breath. That morning my sister calls me and asks me if I am sitting down…that never bodes well…Mom was being admitted into the hospital. Turns out she has MAJOR blockage and is going to need quadruple, yeah that’s right, QUADRUPLE bypass surgery and valve replacement. My poor dear mommy. She is going home today and is scheduled to have the surgery sometime in the next few weeks. She is actually very calm about it and is hoping that afterwards she will finally feel better.
Meanwhile my dear husband left yesterday with his father for a road trip up to New York with a side stop in DC. He is going to be gone for a week, which is the longest we have been apart since getting married almost 2 ½ years ago. (You can go ahead and gag now) While they are on the road, his mom calls them to let them know that she was having chest pains and that her doctor told her to go to the emergency room.
WILL THE MADNESS PLEASE STOP!! Enough already! Fortunately she is okay, just low in potassium...but what a scare anyway.
Needless to say it has been an eventful week. Hopefully all will calm down soon.
As far as updates go: Spencer has still not found a job, thus his ability to leave me travel for a week. Milo is doing better but now is even more pitiful since we have had to put a cone around her head so she doesn’t bite off her wrappings. The vet says she should be healed in 3 weeks.
This is what I have to deal with while my husband is away. There are TWO of them and I am NOT touching them.And this is my bed tonight. We normally don't let Milo in the bed with us but I am making an exception tonight.
Isn't she just pitiful? I feel so bad for her.