Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Graduate

SO much has been going on in my little world that I haven’t gotten a chance to post anything on here in a while. I won’t go into all of the crappy stuff right now, instead I will let this post be about my dear little man celebrating a milestone in his school career.

On Tuesday, May 26th I had a wonderful excuse to take the morning off of work. That is right, I am talking about Kindergarten Graduation!

I love how Liam’s face completely changed once he saw his cheering section which was comprised of his daddy and I, Grandpa and GrandNettie, his Bubbe and Sara, aaaand Janelle. He had quite the support crew.
First the little ones came out with their little heads all bedecked in crowns that were supposed to make them look like either bugs or flowers, I’m not sure which.

This is his friend from the Kingdom Hall Lahuana. She did a very good job with her little alphabet haiku.

I think they put him on the front row because he was so short but that unfortunately didn’t make it easy for us to see him since we were all the way in the back row.
Before the kids came out, the teachers had some problems with the sound system. Let’s just say the whole auditorium was bombarded with the extraordinarily loud sound of static. Fortunately they got it fixed before the kids came out…that is until the little guy with the letter “V” decided he was going to yell his haiku directly into the microphone. {{shaking head sadly}} NOT a good idea. I have to say though, the resulting reaction of the kids was quite amusing to behold.
They couldn’t get the mikes working right after that but those kids were well trained and they went right up to the (non-working) microphone anyway and said their parts loud and proud.
After a few cute songs the kids learned, they shuffled their way out of the auditorium to remove their “costumes” and reenter ready to accept their little certificates of graduation.
You see how he is all tucked in and nice and neat here right?. . .

. . .yeah, what happened in those few steps?!

With daddy.
Aunt Sara.
Aunt Janelle.
Absolutely LOVE this picture of Liam with his Bubbe.
This is another one of Liam’s friends from the Kingdom Hall named Austin.
Three buddies.
The two magnificent women who put up with the kids all year.
This woman is the greatest. She is so understanding with Liam because she herself is talkative. Couldn't have asked for a better first teacher for him.

And finally a shot of me and my baby boy. So proud of him.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Long absent

I know that I have sadly neglected my little blog for some time now and I want to apologize profusely for doing so. SO much stuff has been going on in my little world with the majority of it being negative that I have not had the time nor mental clarity to do much on here.

I do have a blog post in the works, so stay tuned for that and I wish all of you in blogland well.