So let me introduce you to Super Crafty Mom. This woman did the most amazing job on her daughter’s wedding. She made both cakes (which both tasted amazing, by the way). She also was the mastermind behind all of the decorations, from what I understand. To me, the most amazing part, though, is the fact that she made, not only the groomsmen’s ties but the Bride’s dress. Like I said, Super Crafty Mom.
Here is the artiste hard at work on the morning of the wedding working on the finishing details of this awesome cake. The first time I met with Meghan and her mom, Patti, they told me that they were thinking about doing paper flowers for all the bouquets and I was skeptical as I had never seen what they were talking about.
Well, after creating one masterpiece of a bouquet they realized that in order to maintain their sanity, they would be unable to complete the task. All I have to say is, “WOW!” because what you see below is a truly a work of art. The way cool boutonnieres.
Lovely wrist corsages for the ladies.
Coffee cups? What do those have to do with the wedding? Well. . .
Some of Corey’s family owns a coffee bean business and so they had the neat idea of scouring thrift and antique stores for unique coffee cups that the filled with little bags of coffee beans. And there you have a really neat and unique wedding favor.
I actually did not know the story of their engagement until I delivered the wedding images and I asked.
Many couples have their little traditions and Meghan and Corey are no exception. Each Tuesday night, Meghan heads out to get their Starbucks. As usual, her regular barrista tells her to pull around for her order. When she gets to the register she hands over her card and the sly girl pretends to ring everything up and then tells Meghan that her order was already paid for and hands her her coffee. . . . . .Corey then appears in the drive-through window to confirm her answer. And they drive off into the sunset. ;) Okay, so I fudged that last part, but you get the idea.
I absolutely love the details and how the interwove the Starbucks engagement into the theme of the wedding. The image you see on the right is of one of the smore’s stations. I loved that the several times I met with Meghan I could tell she wanted everyone to have fun at her reception and not just her. How awesome is that?
The Bride and Groom’s table. Oh yeah, and Super Crafty Mom strikes again. The “Will You Marry Me?” stamp at the bottom of this set was carved by her. Sheesh some people are just too talented for their own good.
And here it is, the masterpiece of a cake. Is it not awesome that the icing looks like woodgrain? Oh and the topper was handmade as well. Yep.
A few detail shots of the delicious cake.
And the equally delicious and detailed groom’s cake. I love the deer.
Footprints and chocolate boots? Yes, please and thank you very much.
Below are my first attempt at ring shots not ON the Bride and Groom’s fingers. I had a bit of fun although I was working on next to no light by this point.
Meghan works part time as a substitute teacher, which is the reason for the #2 pencils. :DI had brought with me some antique suitcases to hold the props for the photo station so I utilized them for a bit.
And here I was endeavoring to tie in with the theme of the wedding. I took advantage of the graininess and gave it an aged look.
I really do not think that the details could have been any more spot on. I remember seeing the sweetest comment on FaceBook the week after the wedding where someone said that Patti took what Meghan’s dreams for her wedding and made them into reality. I couldn’t say it any better than that.
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