Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gap Toothed Grin

For any of you that may follow me on Twitter, you may already know that the night my son lost his first tooth was very emotional for me.

It had been loose for some time and Spencer had already tried to pull it once to no avail. So that night, I'm working in the office totally unaware of anything but what I am doing when all of a sudden Liam comes running in saying:

"Mommy LOOK!"

So I look over and see him grinning this big gap toothed grin at me and my first gut reaction was to quickly turn away from him so that he wouldn't see me break down in tears for such a silly reason.

Poor little punkin' was so confused at my reaction and thought he had done something wrong. His little mind couldn't comprehend what a huge milestone that this was in his life and that I was crying over one more step he had just taken farther from being my baby and more to being my little boy.

It took me a while to be able to take the following pictures marking this milestone but he was proud to show off his loss.
Here he is poking his little tongue out through the gap as he does all day long.
Showing off the gap in all it's glory.

WHAT. A. FACE! Can we say HAM! That's where the ham in my name went. Right to this little nut.
Love him in all his silly glory.


  1. oh my gosh, abra! he looks JUST like you! how adorable. hope life's good in georgia!! =D

  2. it's my adorable, little twin! don't worry, abra. he will always be your little one no matter how many gaps he gets in his smile!

    love the pictures. keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks guys! Kira, he's too handsome for his own good so I'll take that as a compliment. And Rachel, thanks for your comforting words. ;)
