Friday, June 4, 2010

Chowaniec Maternity :: Fairhope Alabama Part Deux

So here we are with part two of one of the most amazing maternity sessions. This girl was so much fun because she was open to so many things and had me be a part of the whole process down to having me help her go through her closet for the perfect clothes and shoe combinations and so forth.

One of the places she wanted to go was the beach. Who was I to complain? She was such a trooper because even though it was quite nice weather everywhere else the beach reminded us that it was still February and quite a chilly February at that.

As much as I love these pictures, I will never be able to look back on them without remembering that day as the first time I ever stepped on a cactus as I was exploring which was the best place to shoot from.


Granted, it was a mini one, but it still hurt quite a bit.

Wasn't it a gorgeous blue sky day?


This was one of those days when the wind was definitely my friend.
The sun and the colors took my breath away.
Favorite! Love the tree and the character it lends these images.
GORGEOUS!!! I am becoming more and more convinced in the whole theory of a maternal glow.

This sweater wasn't originally meant to play such an integral part of her wardrobe but, as stated previously, it was windy and cold on the beach.


I have to say I was quite proud of her hair. Once we got to the parking lot of the pier, I realized that her long hair and the wind weren't going to play nice together so I took my bobby pins and went to work and came up with this. I like the effect it gives. We would have had a nightmare on our hands if her long hair had been loose.
These two are definitely my absolute favorites from the beach portion. I love the rich color of the scarf and the gorgeous sunlight.
As we were walking back to the car, I shot some of the scenery I was able to work in. Yes, this was definitely one of the days I L-O-V-E my job.
I really hope that you guys don't get tired of this gorgeous girl before I am done posting about her. We went to one more location this day and the next day her husband joined us for some fun images of the two of them.

Sooooooo, that means we have at least two more posts starring the Chowaniec family. I just can't wait until I get to go back to Alabama to take pictures of the gorgeous Max now that he has made his appearance.