When I found out that Liam was off for a snow day I was skeptical of the actuality of snow. We got to fall asleep for a nap together to the sight of snow and when Spencer got home from work he went in to wake up Liam and the next series of images are of Liam waking up and seeing that the snow had actually accumulated on the ground.
The excitement led to Spencer and Liam having a fun tickling and throwing session on the bed.
I love my boys.
This is what Spencer referred to as the bald spot in our yard.
As beautiful as the accumulation was at this point it got so much more beautiful.
Liam's first venture out into the snowy yard.
Liam wanted to make footprints.
Spencer got to take control of the camera for a bit and got some shots of me enjoying the snow.
And then we switched. Isn't it funny how adults turn into kids around snow?
Liam's pure excitement over the snow was very contagious and we all had a blast. Reminds me of the line from a Dave Matthew's song "I love you oh so well. Like a kid loves candy or fresh snow."
A few recent blog posts inspired me to look at my out of focus images before discarding them to see what I might be missing. In the case of the shot below, I am glad that I did.
Spencer was very proud of catching my "snow booger".
The next are just a series of images that either Spencer and I took that to me are just hauntingly beautiful. I honestly do not know if I would love snow as much if I was around it all the time, but I do. Watching it fall and transform the most ordinary things into something beautiful is completely mesmerizing to me.
Once we were inside and Liam was sitting at the kitchen table waiting to drink his hot chocolate, I noticed the snowflakes he and I had made hanging up and thought how cute it would be to capture our art imitating life. ;)
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