Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Atlanta Bridal Portraits

I am definitely one of those people that are too critical of their work. I've been that way for as long as I can remember. I used to draw and paint a lot and no work of mine was ever complete because I would keep coming back to it to make "improvements" as time went on. Same with my poetry. I can always see ways to make it better. I guess that can be a good thing as it helps me strive to always be better and not become complacent.

These next series of images, I took at a little photographer's gathering at the beginning of the year as you may recall. In 20 degree weather, no less. As I looked through my images from the shoot, I beat myself up and wasn't happy with them so I put them aside since they were only taken for my personal benefit, for the most part.

Late one night when I couldn't sleep, these pictures came into my head and I resolved to take another look at them. I am so very glad that I did because there are some definite favorites I overlooked with my too-critical eye the first time around.

We had three models that day. Michele was the "bride" for bridal portraits and Angela and Chad were our "bride and groom."

Michele had the most amazing eyes as you will continue to see throughout these images.
We started out at the Starlight Six Drive-In Theater off of Moreland Avenue in Atlanta. That place was full of personality. Spencer and I keep talking so much about going there one day to see a movie that one day maybe we actually will.
See what I mean about the eyes?
LOVE these two. Also, do you notice that as gorgeous as her eyes are in color,
they do not fail to dazzle even in black and white?
We had all of the photographers split into two groups in an effort to keep the confusion and crowding down while photographing. I love the grouping of these two shots.
Emulating James Dean.
I have no problem with shots that are posed but there's something about catching the candid
moments that thrills and challenges me. Maybe it's something like catching a person truly being
themselves and proving to them that they can be beautiful just as they are. . .

. . .or something like that. ;)
Another semi-candid moment.
Something a little more dramatic.
This one is one of my favorites for some odd reason. Not really sure why. But could you guess that pictures as pretty as these could have been taken in front of a place like. . .
. . .this?

At this point, we had moved locations to an old abandoned prison farm. It was a VERY interesting location.
Have I mentioned how jealous I am of her red hair? Hmmm.....
I really had the most difficult time narrowing down the pictures in this particular set. The light was so pretty and her expressions varied so much that it was quite the challenge.
THIS one is most definitely a favorite.
I actually got her to smile! I really don't remember what it was that I said but it resulted in not only a smile but laughter as well. Shot on the right, another fave. YAY for being funny!. . .sometimes.
I tried to leave this one out. Truly I did but it said, "NO! I have a rainbow in my corner.
You just can't leave me out. It makes you think of things ethereal and lovely!"

I swear it said that to me.
More of those lovely unguarded moments. We were wrapping up at this point and I don't think they thought anyone else was shooting. Mwahhhaaaahaha! (sorry, that just slipped out)

To your left is Chris Bartelski, one half of the fabulous duo that makes up the *reason* unconsciously striking a pose with the light stand. To your right, you will see some of the paparazzi for the day. My favorite part of the image is that of Kelly LaBruyere of True Expressions and Katrina Wheeler of Katrina Wheeler Photography sharing a laugh.
To boldly go where not many dare to go! My dear husband and Amanda Lindley of Lindleys Photography venturing forth to explore further reaches of the prison. NOT my cup of tea.
So the point of this lesson, my dear friends. I can not necessarily be trusted to judge my own work as I am my own worst critic. ;)


  1. I LOVE the one of Michelle laughing!! It's such a great image! Please don't ever keep images to yourself anymore: totally not fair to the rest of us who think you are fantabulous :)

  2. So true, I love these abra, that black and white one that you said was your fav, thats seriously like magazine material girl, stop hoarding and share :) So glad you did! I love that pic of me and kelly laughing! :) Time for my hair cut again! :)

  3. These did turn out just AH-MAZ-ZING!!! I'm so glad I have a talented sistah!!

  4. These are gorgeous and rich. Love them. Oh, and I'd have been with the inquistive duo who explored the place :)

  5. I can't believe you thought you shouldn't post these. They're gorgeous!!!! I agree...don't hoard anymore....love your work, you're too critical and I can say that because so am I. You'll be surprised what others see in you, that you don't see in yourself.
